주식회사 리플라

38541 경상북도 경산시 대학로 280 영남대학교 생산기술연구원 219호
한국 한국

직원 정보

회사 설명

Repla's main goal is industrializing plastic-degrading bacteria and improving profitability of plastic recycling industry. We develop technology to degrade a specific plastic material using a newly discovered bacteria which can contribute to producing recycled plastic with single material purity of 100%. Biotank is expected to be applied in recycling plants where it will selectively isolate single-material plastic from mixed waste plastics.

Repla also makes devices to distinguish plastic types and its purity. PReader Purychecker is a tabletop size quality assurance machine that inspects the purity of the recycled plastic flake sacks and generates a report. PReader plaSCAN is a hand-held device that quickly and conveniently identifies the material type of a plastic object.

재활용 설비 비즈니스 상세 정보

설비유형 (플라스틱)
기타 분류기
2023. 11. 24.